1. Guide2
    1. What's TerrainAxe?
    2. Make a quick menu for TerrainAxe and your ms files
  2. Reference136
    1. Select(Poly)14
      1. SelectBorder
      2. RingEgs
      3. FcsToRingEgs
      4. Findborder
      5. Nextegs
      6. CoverFcs
      7. VertsToEgs
      8. InnerVerts
      9. InnerEgs
      10. FacesByID
      11. AdjFcsByID
      12. SameDirFaces
      13. GetQuadFaces
      14. RoadSides
    2. Create(Poly)18
      1. StitchPoly
      2. QuickStitch
      3. SweepEdge
      4. PiecePoly
      5. PlaceMesh
      6. StitchVerts
      7. PCloudToMesh
      8. AppendPoly
      9. LoftSplines
      10. FreePoly
      11. ShapeEdge
      12. DragPoly
      13. CapEdges
      14. CrossRoads
      15. Auto Stairs4
        1. FreeStair
        2. IrregularStair
        3. FacesToStair
        4. CapStairSides
    3. Construct(Poly)24
      1. CurveFitting
      2. MoveVerts
      3. InsertX
      4. ProjToFace
      5. ConformToRoad
      6. AdvConnectVts
      7. ZAlignFace
      8. ZAlign3P
      9. SlopePlanar
      10. Round Verts4
        1. RoundVerts
        2. RoundVts(3P)
        3. RoundVts(Rad)
        4. RoundVts(TT)
      11. Smooth Road Tools6
        1. SMRoadByLines
        2. SmoothRoad
        3. SMRoad(Linear)
        4. SMRoad(NPts)
        5. SMRoad(Blur)
        6. SMRoad(Curve)
      12. Weld Tools5
        1. Weld1VertToEg
        2. Weld2VertsToEg
        3. SuperWeld
        4. WeldVerts&Egs
        5. XWeld
    4. Cut(Poly)18
      1. ConnectVerts
      2. Cut2Egs
      3. Cut2Verts
      4. PivotCenBot
      5. CutByAgl
      6. CutBydir
      7. CutPerToEdge
      8. EvenConnect
      9. ClearJags
      10. Slice
      11. SliceByEdges
      12. SliceByLines
      13. SliceByFcs
      14. SliceXY
      15. SliceByGrid
      16. SliceBy3P
      17. Trianglate(Faces)
      18. EncloseVerts
    5. UV(Poly)8
      1. IDByElm
      2. IDByFace
      3. PaveCourts
      4. RingMap
      5. Advanced UV Tools4
        1. RoadPaver
        2. PaveNoTear
        3. PaveWall
        4. Advanced UV Tools
    6. Others(Poly)14
      1. SnapToP
      2. MoveOnDir
      3. SnapZ
      4. ZMove
      5. AdvClearMidVts
      6. ClearMidVerts
      7. Flatten Edges
      8. RightAgl
      9. ClearChaosEgs
      10. IDSet
      11. Check_NarrowFcs
      12. Extend
      13. ClearDarkVerts
      14. ExtendVerts
    7. Render6
      1. AbsorbMat
      2. ArrangeMats
      3. SimpleTerrMat
      4. MtlNeaten
      5. UvwCamera
      6. Vrcam
    8. Scenes5
      1. TrafficLineSys
      2. AdvArray
      3. Collapse
      4. RoadNetwork
      5. UCS
    9. Common21
      1. DropToTerrZN
      2. DropToTerrain
      3. CCWShp
      4. FreeSpline
      5. FlatShps
      6. RefRotate
      7. MoveObjs
      8. Explode
      9. SubdivSpls
      10. DwgImport
      11. BlackWire
      12. DelEmptyObj
      13. Copy
      14. Paste
      15. PickPivot
      16. ClearSel
      17. ConnectKnots
      18. LockTransform
      19. ResetFile
      20. ResetXform
      21. BBoxToTerrain
    10. Manager8
      1. AxeSetting
      2. Clean Layers
      3. Simple Display
      4. QuickMenu
      5. LifuBar
      6. UIMan
      7. On/Off TheAxe
      8. SegsVsArc



Splines interlaced with each other can form many closed areas,the process extracting these areas as poly faces is called PiecePoly. With PiecePoly,you no longer need to draw closed splines again and again just for getting polygon faces seamlessly pieced together.


How To

  1. Select one or more editable spline or line

  2. Make sure Fuse distance and Extend Amount are reasonable value

  3. Press "Piece" button



  1. Map Vertices To Arc:Change the mapping from arc segments to radius,plese refer to "Manager/SegsVsArc"

  2. Fuse distance:Specify a distance so that vertices within it can be fused together.

  3. Extend Amount:Extend the end of spline so that form closed area as soon as possible.


  4. Split:Split piecing result to single elements.

  5. Piece Mode: There are two mode--"3dsmax" and "lifu", "3dmax" mode uses a 3dsmax itself function, the result can get a good result even though with may duplicated lines. "lifu" is as an alternative offer.


Note That

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