1terrainaxe_std_7TerrainAxe Stdprovides more precise control and higher efficiency for terrain modeling

small_title=Std Edition


common=All features in Basic Edition,'SMRoad(blur)',SMRoadByLines,FacesToStair,Auto Round Verts,IrregularStair,LoftSplines,CrossRoads,Polygon Stitching Tools,'Trianglate(Faces)','Trianglate(Verts)',PCloudToMesh,CurveFitting,CutCrossing

Suitble for users who are more detail-oriented and offten feel overwhelmed by many projects 105.00210.0003ffpublish
3smooth_roadSmoothRoad PackageSmooth a road according to the pre-defined elevations or by eliminating the noise of points in z aixs to get a nature appearance.
The main features include:
edition=Std Edition


4round_vertsRoundVertsRound vertices of a corner of a roadedition=Basic Edition
7ringmapRingMapUV Mapping tools for curved roadsedition=Basic Edition

8cross_roadsCrossRoadsCreate crossroads with overlapped faces of two roads.Radius of every corners can be changed.
[addPic fl="featuresShow/Create//CrossRoads/CrossRoadsEn.gif" wid=350 cap="CrossRoad"]

edition=Std Edition

9adv_arrayAdvArrayAdvArray is for placing a large number of handrails on a terrain
Splines,polygon edges ,or snapped points can all be as path to place objects.
AdvArray features real equidistance,which means the distance between any two adjacent cloned objects is always the same,not the length of the part of a path between the two points.
edition=IndependentAdvArray is a independent tool and not belong to any edition9.0018.00401publish
10traffic_linesTrafficeLineSysCreate traffic index lines ,includes Traffic lane lines,zebra lines,and guide arrows ,even on rugged roads.

edition=IndependentTrafficLineSys is a Independent tool and not belong to any edition
11parapet_wallParapetWallThe tool for quickly generating low walls on top of buildings can also be used for terraced modelsedition=Independent
12curve_fittingCurveFitFit the shape of a border to a splineedition=basic Edition
13cut_crossingCutCrossingA quick,easy-using cutting tool for crossroads,which can spare you the headache of Boring, repetitive cutting operationsedition=Std Edition

14uv_paversUVPavers3 sophisticated UV mapping tools which works like a large-scale, automated paving machine and can quickly complete a vast number of UV mapping operations.edition=Pro Edition
15piece_polyPiecePolySplines interlaced with each other can form many closed areas,the process Extracting these areas as poly faces is called PiecePoly.edition=Pro Edition10.0020.00200000publish
16place_meshPlaceMeshEmbed polygon surfaces(such as roads or a flat area,must be single side object) into another surface.edition=Pro Edition12.0024.00400000publish
17road_networkRoadNetworkRoadNetwork is a tool for creating city-level road networks, which is easy to use ,powerful ,and very fast. In addition to setting parameters for road widths , you can also specify their width by their name

edition=IndependentRoadNetWork is a Independent tool and not belong to any edition
19terrainaxe_basic_7TerrainAxe BasicThis Edition contains the minimum configuration to complete terrain modeling ,include UVMapping tool for curve roads. It's enough for a moderately difficult projectsmall_title=Basic Edition


Common=Poly select tools,Common cutting tools, Verts and Edges Welding Tools,FreePoly,ShapeEdge,SweepEdge,FreeStair,MoveVerts,Slice,'SMRoad(line)','SMRoad(Npts)',RoundVerts,AdvClearMidVts,UCS,'DwgImport',ClearTinySegs,SubdivSpls,ConformToRoad,SlopePlanar,RingMap,Other Common tools
But still a bit time-consuming.suitble for users who seldom have projects54.00109.0003ffpublish
2terrainaxe_pro_7TerrainAxe ProThe added functions are designed for large number operations on large terrain projectssmall_title=Pro Edition


common=All features in Standard Edition,RoadPaver,PaveNoTear,PaveWall,PiecePoly,PlaceMesh

If you often get many more terrain modeling projects and run into a big amount of operations,or you want to have more fun,this edition is a good choice.135.00270.007003ffpublish
21basic_packageBasic ToolkitThis Package contains the minimum configuration to complete terrain modeling. It's enough for a moderately difficult project.The package doesn't include RingMapedition=Basic Edition


Common=Poly select tools,Common cutting tools,FreePoly,ShapeEdge,SweepEdge,FreeStair,MoveVerts,Slice,'SMRoad(linear)','SMRoad(Npts)',RoundVerts,AdvClearMidVts,UCS,'DwgImport',ClearTinySegs,SubdivSpls,ConformToRoad,SlopePlanar,Edges and Verts Welding tools,Other common tools
But still a bit time-consuming.suitble for users who seldom have projects49.0098.006dpublish
22enhanced_packageEnhancement ToolkitAlthough the toolkit is used to enhance the basic tookit,it can be bought separately .The toolkit provides more precise control and higher efficiency . It equivalent to the added features from the basic to the standard edition ,except for CutCrossing.

edition=Std Edition


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