- FAQ2
- Security Exception
- Stopped working while running(activation issue)
- Guide3
- What's TerrainAxe?
- Make a quick menu for TerrainAxe and your ms files
- Control the Distribution of vertices on an Arc
- Reference136
- Select(Poly)14
- SelectBorder
- RingEgs
- FcsToRingEgs
- Findborder
- Nextegs
- CoverFcs
- VertsToEgs
- InnerVerts
- InnerEgs
- FacesByID
- AdjFcsByID
- SameDirFaces
- GetQuadFaces
- RoadSides
- Create(Poly)18
- StitchPoly
- QuickStitch
- SweepEdge
- PiecePoly
- PlaceMesh
- StitchVerts
- PCloudToMesh
- AppendPoly
- LoftSplines
- FreePoly
- ShapeEdge
- DragPoly
- CapEdges
- CrossRoads
- Stairs4
- FreeStair
- IrregularStair
- FacesToStair
- CapStairSides
- Construct(Poly)24
- CurveFitting
- MoveVerts
- InsertX
- ProjToFace
- ConformToRoad
- AdvConnectVts
- ZAlignFace
- ZAlign3P
- SlopePlanar
- Round Verts4
- RoundVerts
- RoundVts(3P)
- RoundVts(Rad)
- RoundVts(TT)
- Smooth Road6
- SMRoadByLines
- SmoothRoad
- SMRoad(Linear)
- SMRoad(NPts)
- SMRoad(Blur)
- SMRoad(Curve)
- Weld Tools5
- Weld1VertToEg
- Weld2VertsToEg
- SuperWeld
- WeldVerts&Egs
- XWeld
- Cut(Poly)18
- ConnectVerts
- Cut2Egs
- Cut2Verts
- PivotCenBot
- CutByAgl
- CutBydir
- CutPerToEdge
- EvenConnect
- ClearJags
- Slice
- SliceByEdges
- SliceByLines
- SliceByFcs
- SliceXY
- SliceByGrid
- SliceBy3P
- Trianglate(Faces)
- EncloseVerts
- UV(Poly)8
- IDByElm
- IDByFace
- PaveCourts
- RingMap
- Advanced UV Mapping4
- RoadPaver
- PaveNoTear
- PaveWall
- Advanced UV Tools
- Others(Poly)14
- SnapToP
- MoveOnDir
- SnapZ
- ZMove
- AdvClearMidVts
- ClearMidVerts
- Flatten Edges
- RightAgl
- ClearChaosEgs
- IDSet
- Check_NarrowFcs
- Extend
- ClearDarkVerts
- ExtendVerts
- Render6
- AbsorbMat
- ArrangeMats
- SimpleTerrMat
- MtlNeaten
- UvwCamera
- Vrcam
- Scenes5
- TrafficLineSys
- AdvArray
- Collapse
- RoadNetwork
- Common21
- DropToTerrZN
- DropToTerrain
- CCWShp
- FreeSpline
- FlatShps
- RefRotate
- MoveObjs
- Explode
- SubdivSpls
- DwgImport
- BlackWire
- DelEmptyObj
- Copy
- Paste
- PickPivot
- ClearSel
- ConnectKnots
- LockTransform
- ResetFile
- ResetXform
- BBoxToTerrain
- Manager8
- AxeSetting
- Clean Layers
- Simple Display
- QuickMenu
- LifuBar
- UIMan
- On/Off TheAxe
- SegsVsArc
- Select(Poly)14
How To
Read 3D Points from a text file to create a terrain mesh.
In this text file ,each point coordinate should be stored in a single line, and each component (x,y,z)is separated by "," or a blank. The typical format such as "1,419.05,-45.945,288.424",first value is index,followed by x,y and z coordinate.
- For easily getting such a text file,TerrainAxe also provide a autolisp program,with which,you can export selected elevation points into a text file.
In most cases ,these parameters can be ignored ,they just are useful only when imported points are too far away from origin or improper unit system is used ,because it can cause numeric accuracy problems.
Position offset: Move points closer to origin.
Scale:Scale coordinates of imported points,make them between a proper range,such as 100000.0 to 100.0. Too large value can cause unexpected error.
Filename:select a text file which contains points data.
Start line: The line that coordinates data begins .Sometimes the first one or more lines may be unuseful.
Data offset:The position of x coordinate in each line.Generally first value is used to store index data.