1. FAQ2
    1. Security Exception
    2. Stopped working while running(activation issue)
  2. Guide3
    1. What's TerrainAxe?
    2. Make a quick menu for TerrainAxe and your ms files
    3. Control the Distribution of vertices on an Arc
  3. Reference136
    1. Select(Poly)14
      1. SelectBorder
      2. RingEgs
      3. FcsToRingEgs
      4. Findborder
      5. Nextegs
      6. CoverFcs
      7. VertsToEgs
      8. InnerVerts
      9. InnerEgs
      10. FacesByID
      11. AdjFcsByID
      12. SameDirFaces
      13. GetQuadFaces
      14. RoadSides
    2. Create(Poly)18
      1. StitchPoly
      2. QuickStitch
      3. SweepEdge
      4. PiecePoly
      5. PlaceMesh
      6. StitchVerts
      7. PCloudToMesh
      8. AppendPoly
      9. LoftSplines
      10. FreePoly
      11. ShapeEdge
      12. DragPoly
      13. CapEdges
      14. CrossRoads
      15. Stairs4
        1. FreeStair
        2. IrregularStair
        3. FacesToStair
        4. CapStairSides
    3. Construct(Poly)24
      1. CurveFitting
      2. MoveVerts
      3. InsertX
      4. ProjToFace
      5. ConformToRoad
      6. AdvConnectVts
      7. ZAlignFace
      8. ZAlign3P
      9. SlopePlanar
      10. Round Verts4
        1. RoundVerts
        2. RoundVts(3P)
        3. RoundVts(Rad)
        4. RoundVts(TT)
      11. Smooth Road6
        1. SMRoadByLines
        2. SmoothRoad
        3. SMRoad(Linear)
        4. SMRoad(NPts)
        5. SMRoad(Blur)
        6. SMRoad(Curve)
      12. Weld Tools5
        1. Weld1VertToEg
        2. Weld2VertsToEg
        3. SuperWeld
        4. WeldVerts&Egs
        5. XWeld
    4. Cut(Poly)18
      1. ConnectVerts
      2. Cut2Egs
      3. Cut2Verts
      4. PivotCenBot
      5. CutByAgl
      6. CutBydir
      7. CutPerToEdge
      8. EvenConnect
      9. ClearJags
      10. Slice
      11. SliceByEdges
      12. SliceByLines
      13. SliceByFcs
      14. SliceXY
      15. SliceByGrid
      16. SliceBy3P
      17. Trianglate(Faces)
      18. EncloseVerts
    5. UV(Poly)8
      1. IDByElm
      2. IDByFace
      3. PaveCourts
      4. RingMap
      5. Advanced UV Mapping4
        1. RoadPaver
        2. PaveNoTear
        3. PaveWall
        4. Advanced UV Tools
    6. Others(Poly)14
      1. SnapToP
      2. MoveOnDir
      3. SnapZ
      4. ZMove
      5. AdvClearMidVts
      6. ClearMidVerts
      7. Flatten Edges
      8. RightAgl
      9. ClearChaosEgs
      10. IDSet
      11. Check_NarrowFcs
      12. Extend
      13. ClearDarkVerts
      14. ExtendVerts
    7. Render6
      1. AbsorbMat
      2. ArrangeMats
      3. SimpleTerrMat
      4. MtlNeaten
      5. UvwCamera
      6. Vrcam
    8. Scenes5
      1. TrafficLineSys
      2. AdvArray
      3. Collapse
      4. RoadNetwork
      5. UCS
    9. Common21
      1. DropToTerrZN
      2. DropToTerrain
      3. CCWShp
      4. FreeSpline
      5. FlatShps
      6. RefRotate
      7. MoveObjs
      8. Explode
      9. SubdivSpls
      10. DwgImport
      11. BlackWire
      12. DelEmptyObj
      13. Copy
      14. Paste
      15. PickPivot
      16. ClearSel
      17. ConnectKnots
      18. LockTransform
      19. ResetFile
      20. ResetXform
      21. BBoxToTerrain
    10. Manager8
      1. AxeSetting
      2. Clean Layers
      3. Simple Display
      4. QuickMenu
      5. LifuBar
      6. UIMan
      7. On/Off TheAxe
      8. SegsVsArc



Create crossroads with overlapped faces of two roads.Radius of every corners can be changed.


How To



  1. Base Radius: Set a basic radius for the right angle corner so that each corner can use it to change their own radius

  2. Radius Type:The type to calculate radius for each corner.It has three options:

    1. Near tangent point:Expand its radius until the arc reach the nearest vertex

    2. Vary by Included Angle:Based on "Base Raius" and the included angle ,Calculate a new radius for the current corner

    3. Fix Radius:All corners use the same radius as the value of "Base Radius"

  3. Allow Change Radius:Allow you to adjust each radius ,but only the first four radius can be adjust

  4. Re-Allocate Verts:Add or remove vertices for each arc to get a reasonable number of vertices.The result number is controlled by the "SegsVsArc" tool


Note That

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