


  1. AutoCAD Import

  2. Specify the directory and filename for DwgImport,Click long button to specify a dwg file in openning explorer window ,which filename will be shown in blow text box,you can also enter manually a filename.
    Then every time you excute DwgImport,which will import the same name file from the location without popping a dialog.
    DwgName The filename of the file imported by DwgImport .
    Used to test importing,A AutoCAD Dwg/Dxf import options dialog will be popped, make some setting for your next dwg file importing.

  3. SmoothRoad

    Affect the behavior of SmoothRoad tools.

    FlatOther If checked,SmoothRoad will mapping the height of every vertex to the other side of road,or only smooth one side.

  4. WeldToEdge

  5. Control the behavior of Weld Verts to Edges tools.
    ToTargetIf checked, the welding of [Weld1VtToEg] and [Weld2VtsToEg] will happen on selected edge ,or at selected vertices;
    WeldIf unchecked ,no welding happen,Weld2VtsToEg and SuperWeld will create a polygon or multiple polygons between selected vertices and selected edges;
    Keep TopologyIf checked, SuperWeld will extend topology lines from old polyons occupied by selected vertices to new created polygons.
    Weld ThresWelding threshold for Weld_Vts&Egs.If welding fail or gaps still exist,try to increase the value.

  6. PolyToStair

  7. Control the behavior of FacesToStair
    StairWidSpecify the width of a step.
    StairHiSpecify the length of a step.
    WeldIf checked,the created stairs will be welded to terrain .
    CreateCurbIf checked,curb for stairs will be created.

  8. AutoFillet

  9. Control the behavior of SmoothRoad(Rad)

    Radius The initial radius of round corner.
    TanToEdgeMake Arc for round corner tangent to adjacent edges.

  10. PickPoint

  11. Control the behavior of FreePolyand ShapeEdge.
    SnapActive snap mode when pick points.
    PlaneMode Used keep all picked points within one XY plane.

  12. Material and UV

  13. Set options and parameters relating to Material and UV operating,such as FreePoly, UVPaver.
    GrayMatSpecify the material for new created object by TerrainAxe,such as curb generated by SweepEdge;
    NewFaceIDSecpify the ID for new created polyon,such as FreePoly
    U WidthReal demension in world space ocuppied by on unit in U direction in UVW space.
    V WidthReal demension in world space ocuppied by on unit in U direction in UVW space.
    Map ChannelSpecify which channle UV tools will operate on.