The basic thinking of terrain modeling in 3ds max

Facing a terrain project,where should you begin ?It is really confusing, but there is still one thing we can confirm :All works of the terrain modeling base on some roads,that is to say that all things is meaningful only when the roads is fixed. If the road is modified ,all things connected with it will have to be adjusted.For example,if the curbs of a road is first created  and then you want to change the elevation of the road,previous work will be wasted.So,the most logical and resonable steps should be :At first ,build your road as accuratly as possible ,then think about how to add new faces to connect the roads and the terrains.This is also the basic thinking that TerrainAxe was designed basd on.

Generally,three issues are the most focused by 3D modeling artists:

Good topology

Make slopes and smooth roads

Connect roads and terrains

First of all,we talk about the most concerned question for 3D modeling artists :how to connect roads and terrain

Connect roads and terrains

There are two main ways to connect roads and terrains:

For an existed terrain object(such as a terrain mesh built from contour lines or some DEM data),thinking about the work flow:first ,delete the faces covered by the roads,then we can get some borders,with the borders and that of the roads ,create a big polygon face and subdivide it,then we will complete connecting.

In TerrainAxe,CapEdges,FreePoly can use an unclosed border to create a polygon,StitchVerts and Triangulate(Faces) can  cut polygons.

We can also use StitchPoly directly to create polygons to  connect borders of  a terrain and a road.

Use StitchVerts connect roads and terrains

2.For those areas enclosed or semi-enclosed  by  roads,maybe the original terrain is missing or un-useful,a new terrain need to be re-created. Thus you can cap these areas to create a new polygon,then use Slice to cut and get grid-like topology,then relax them or paint desired appearance with 3dsmax's brush tools .

Create terrain with Slice

the way is also suit for the first situation.If you don't like the topology created with contour lines,you can use MoveVerts to conform vertices of the grid-like faces to the original terrain.So,you don't need  to stitch them.

Use MoveVerts re-construct terrain


Topologizing is very important.To present accurate slopes and road levles, topologizing or re-topologizing   is necessary.There are some requirements for topologizing:

A road should be made up of regulate quad polygons as much as  possible,as shown  below in left picture;Some ground pavement need some cutting operations to make the polygon topology more reasonable;

Narrow and long triangles should be avoided as much as possible. The more reasonable topology, the better the effect at render time, as shown below in the right picture.

Good topology1

Good topology2

To meet the above requirements,many cutting operations are needed.In TerrainAxe ,there are many cutting tools to such as CutPerToEdge,CutByAgl,Cut2Verts and StitchVerts,and so on

Cut perpendicularly to edge

Cut along angular bisector

Connect two vertex team

Slope modeling and road smoothing

Make a Slope

Such a tool is indispensable:when vertices of surface fall to a slope,only z coordinates are modified but xy coordinates keep unchanged,that is ,make vertices align to slope plane along Z axis ,or the structure in top view will be damaged.MoveVerts can do this.

Slope landscape

Smooth Roads

To present road levels and get a natural appearance,the section of a road need to keep horizontal,and can't be sticked to the terrain like a clothe .

So an ideal tool  should be able to output a smooth transition like a curve and meanwhile be able to  map  the evelation data of one side of the road to that of the other side,

When smoothing a road ,continous  edges  can be used to represent a range of  the  road  and the vertices with different z coordinates  to express  different  elevations 

you can use SMRoad(linear),SMRoad(curve),SMRoad(npts),SMRoad(blur)  to complete this work.

SMRoad(Splines)  uses a more advanced way to smooth a road in which you can ajust knots of splines to control the transition.

Use SMRoad(blur)to smooth a road

The article describe  several  main issuses of terrain modeling from the outer frame,it should be as a main direction.Hope  readers can get desired help and have a good beginning.



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Update September 22, 2015


Update March 5,2016

Three tools was published.


Create crossroads with overlapped faces of two roads.


Create a surface with splines parallel with each other.

Create a surface with parallel splines


1.Create stair with style lines which can be splines or inner edges of selected faces of polygon 2.Pave steps along a curve path.

Create Stair by parallel splines

Create Stair by split polygons

Pave stair along a curve

UV Paver tools and PiecePoly tools Now Availiable,which has already been added to TerrainAxe Extension.

UV Paver

Easy and powerful tools for set map vertices with coordinates for BIG AMOUNT of polygon strips , which CAN pass through more than four-ways polygons,and whose behavior just like paving map vertices for road,so we call this process as Pave UV.

PaveUV :

the extension version of RingMap, mainly used to pave UV for road-like model,powerful and quickly .You just need to select polygon strips or ring edges (which mean the edges are parallel to each other)to select road,then press a key to complete Paving UV.

Pave UV


The tool is one-key operating.If polygon strip turn sharply,texture will distort even be teared,such as texture at corner of curb,which is not result wanted.PaveNoTear split map vertices at cross-section to keep texture display normaly to eliminate the distort.

Pave No Tear


The map vertices UV of wall polygon strips is different from previous UV pavings ,wall texture should keep texture level ,such as brick texture.PaveWall was designed for this situation and work in a manner similar with PaveUV.

Pave Wall


Splines interlaced with each other will form many closed areas,the process extracting these closed areas as poly faces is called PiecePoly.
The powerful tools is a great resolution to create seamless joined polygons, operating is also very simple.An UI control is also offered which be used to decide the number of vertices how to change with arc radius.





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What is TerrainAxe?


TerrainAxe is a landscape 3D modeling toolkits for 3ds max ,which was writed with MaxScript and mainly contains a lot of polygon tools and some other common functions.

TerrainAxe is one of a kind,which can save you a big amount of time ,optimize your 3D models and construct excellent topology , free you from heavy work so that you can focus on your design.

You can use TerrainAxe freely in various areas of 3d modeling work such as animation, virtual reality and game, enjoy dripping fun feeling.It is known to all that landscape modeling is extreme difficult ,more than curved surface and creature modeling.Belive these tools will be a head turning help for those strick modelers who pay high attention to details.After watching these videos ,it will surely make you find everything in TerrainAxe new and fresh!

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Terrain modeling's basic principle







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