TerrainAxe Full Version Download


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Update Date : February 03,2031

File Size : 29.878M

Download TerrainAxe

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Updates(April 20,2017)

  1. A new selection tool ,SameDirFaces,was added,which can select faces that has same normal as selected face

  2. RoadlineSys:Road Width parameter can be got after creating road lines. The width of road shoulder can be adjusted One way road lines can be chosen , median width can be adjusted. Fixed a bug that make road lines creating failing at top level of sub-objects.

  3. ClearDupShps,fixed a bug that duplicated splines can't be cleared.

  4. MoveOnDir can work normally.

  5. AdvArray: The mid-points of ring edges can be used as path to array objects.

  6. CapEdges:Before,the new polygon can't be created if endpoints of border share on same edge,but now can.

  7. MoveVerts:Supplied an option to ignore border vertices when moving vertices.

  8. Web license type :fixed a bug that can cause TerrainAxe disable when another new 3dsmax window is opened.

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Setup License Server for TerrainAxe


License Server for TerrainAxe is a program running in host PC ,with which you can run TerrainAxe on multiple PCs in a same local network.The number of PCs that can run TerrainAxe is the number of licenses.Once you start License Server you can active TerrainAxe on client PC.


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Update(August 21,2016)

  1. Add a License Type option for UIMan,with which user can select which way to active the product
  2. Add a AxeSetting menu to Quad Meuns,with which user can make some preset for TerrainAxe
  3. Fix 2 bugs for AdvArray:1. Sections can't be saved correctly when renderer is missing ;2. children of copied object can't be scaled correctly
  4. Fix the problem that faces covered by above object can't be selected correctly in CoverFcs and ConformToRoad
  5. Documents for Roundverts,AppendPoly,Weld Vert To Edge,UV Paver Tools have been updated.

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Update March 5,2016


Three tools was published.


Create crossroads with overlapped faces of two roads.


Create a surface with splines parallel with each other.

Create a surface with parallel splines


1.Create stair with style lines which can be splines or inner edges of selected faces of polygon 2.Pave steps along a curve path.

Create Stair by parallel splines

Create Stair by split polygons

Pave stair along a curve

---Total 562 views---

Update September 22, 2015


Update March 5,2016

Three tools was published.


Create crossroads with overlapped faces of two roads.


Create a surface with splines parallel with each other.

Create a surface with parallel splines


1.Create stair with style lines which can be splines or inner edges of selected faces of polygon 2.Pave steps along a curve path.

Create Stair by parallel splines

Create Stair by split polygons

Pave stair along a curve

UV Paver tools and PiecePoly tools Now Availiable,which has already been added to TerrainAxe Extension.

UV Paver

Easy and powerful tools for set map vertices with coordinates for BIG AMOUNT of polygon strips , which CAN pass through more than four-ways polygons,and whose behavior just like paving map vertices for road,so we call this process as Pave UV.

PaveUV :

the extension version of RingMap, mainly used to pave UV for road-like model,powerful and quickly .You just need to select polygon strips or ring edges (which mean the edges are parallel to each other)to select road,then press a key to complete Paving UV.

Pave UV


The tool is one-key operating.If polygon strip turn sharply,texture will distort even be teared,such as texture at corner of curb,which is not result wanted.PaveNoTear split map vertices at cross-section to keep texture display normaly to eliminate the distort.

Pave No Tear


The map vertices UV of wall polygon strips is different from previous UV pavings ,wall texture should keep texture level ,such as brick texture.PaveWall was designed for this situation and work in a manner similar with PaveUV.

Pave Wall


Splines interlaced with each other will form many closed areas,the process extracting these closed areas as poly faces is called PiecePoly.
The powerful tools is a great resolution to create seamless joined polygons, operating is also very simple.An UI control is also offered which be used to decide the number of vertices how to change with arc radius.





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What's New



UV Paver tools and PiecePoly tools are added to TerrainAxe Extension.


TerrainAxe Full Version updated,no need to active to make UI appear.


TerrainAxe Lite update released,support 64 bit of 3ds max 9-3dsmax 2016;
TerrainAxe Full Version releaded,can be run in 64 bit of 3ds max 9-3dsmax 2016;

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